Best Hack for Lost Earring Backing…a pencil eraser!

It’s back to school and this awesome trick will help her keep her earring on in a pinch, if she loses an earring back. Here’s a great lost earring back fix! Take the eraser from a pencil and use it as an alternative to butterfly earring back. Stick the earring post through the eraser to make a hole, and swap out the eraser for a regular back upon arriving home after school. Who knew pencil erasers could come in handy for more than just math?! We hope this blog post helped provide you with a great earring back replacement hack.

earring with pencil eraser for backing
Pencil eraser is a great temporary earring back substitute

4 thoughts on “Best Hack for Lost Earring Backing…a pencil eraser!

  1. Pingback: Lost back of earring hack - Jewelry Directory

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  3. Pingback: Lost earring back - Jewelry Directory

  4. Pingback: Earring back replacement diy - Jewelry Directory

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